distance measure­ment

Back-to-back distance measuring gauge with automatic evaluation

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Worth Knowing
Did you know these facts about the
module CALIPRI C42 | Back-to-back?
  • Accurate

    CALIPRI C42 makes it possibly to easily and precisely measure wheel clearance and track gauge dimensions. 

  • 360°

    The device screen displays capture progress, while audio, haptic, and visual feedback ensure easy operation for the user. 

  • User-independent

    CALIPRI C42 delivers reliable results by eliminating human error. It automatically adjusts for distance, angle, and tilts, ensuring precise measurements. 

About the product
Precise wheel
distance gauge

This CALIPRI C42 module enables precise measurement of wheelset back-to-back distances using a calibrated and temperature-compensated carbon fiber gauge. The supporting gauge clamps between the wheels to establish a reference plane, allowing quick and accurate distance calculations. The results are displayed on the sensor and can be instantly viewed on the tablet. 

About the product

Comprehensive track gauge calculation

In addition to back-to-back measurements, the module can calculate and display the track gauge (back-to-back distance + flange widths) if wheel profiles have been measured. The gauge can be easily mounted and dismounted on any installed or free wheelset. Results are compared with predefined limits and are available for reporting or data export on the tablet.

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