As soon as you report a support case, we will open a new ticket for you on our ticket system. Please supply all the information relevant to the support case in the following form.
About cookies
Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer, tablet computer or smartphone when you visit a website using your browser. These files do not cause any damage and are only used to recognize the website visitor. The next time you visit the website with the same device, the information stored in cookies can subsequently either be sent back to the website ("first party cookie") or to another website to which the cookie belongs ("third party cookie").
You can prevent the storing of cookies in your browser. Once you have set cookies, you can delete them at any time. You can find out how this works in the help function of your browser. You can find an explanation for the browsers Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer and Google Chrome here:
As soon as you report a support case, we will open a new ticket for you on our ticket system. Please supply all the information relevant to the support case in the following form.